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Where is the studio?
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We are located in the Lumberyard Shopping Center in Encinitas, CA at 937 S Coast Highway 101, Suite C108. We are in between the Nada Shop/ Local Scoop & Heavenly Nails.

What is Lagree?
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Lagree Fitness is a high intensity, low impact workout method utilizing the patented Megaformer machine to build muscular endurance. The workout features spring based tension and slow paced movement to maximize the amount of work your muscles do in a limited amount of time- it’s probably the most efficient workout you’ll ever do!

Is this Pilates?
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Although commonly mistaken for Pilates, Lagree Fitness is a completely different fitness method! Lagree does use a machine with springs (like Pilates) but the movements you will do in a Lagree class resemble strength training moves like lunges, squats, planks, biceps curls, etc. The goal of Lagree Fitness is to develop muscular endurance!

What do I need for class?
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You’ll need grip socks (don’t worry if you don’t have any- we sell them in studio) and comfy workout clothes!

Can I do this if I am pregnant?
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Yes- with modifications & physicians clearance to exercise!

Is this workout for all levels?
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This workout is modifiable to all levels! Instructors are always able to give you options to make this workout work for you. If you are nervous about trying an all levels class your first time- try our true beginner workout!

How do I sign up?
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Download our Move Madly App on the Apple App Store or Android App Store.

What is the difference between "Lagree Full Body" and "True Beginner" classes?
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Lagree Full Body is our standard 45 minute Lagree Fitness class. This class will feature traditional Lagree Fitness moves and quick transitions. Our True Beginner class is a 45 minute Lagree Fitness class that moves at a slower pace. Fast transitions are not a priority in this class and instead, instructors will help clients get acclimated to the machine & movements to prioritize understanding of correct form.

Do you offer private lessons?
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Yes! AND we have a special rate for an introductory private lesson! Email to inquire!

Do you offer teacher training and Lagree certification?
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YES! Email to inquire about our certification & teacher training options!